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Life: The Whole Enchilada

Life: The Whole Enchilada (Red Pepper Moon Press, 2020) is far more than a recounting of a life well-lived. This “Gratitude Memoir” by John R. O’Neil, best-selling author of The Paradox of Success, takes you along for the ride on a profound learning journey. O’Neil introduces you to the many teachers, mentors, character shapers, and wisdom carriers who have influenced him, both through his passion for reading and through his personal encounters. Join John as he meets Eleanor Roosevelt, studies with Abraham Maslow, discusses intellectual development with Jonas Salk, and helps Nelson Mandela spread a culture of innovation and learning across the new government of South Africa. But you’ll also get to know John as he gets to know himself by humbly and hungrily devouring all he could learn from the caretaker and cook on the ranch where he grew up, his high school English teacher, and even a New York City limo driver who cautions him against becoming boring. Throughout the book, O’Neil suggests what might be learned by adopting his curiosity-driven approach to life, beginning with, “Magic is everywhere for the asking and miracles abound, especially in nature. Keep looking, asking, and honoring everyone who teaches you.” He also encourages readers to examine their own lives, offering ways to help them capture their own accumulated experiences and wisdom as a legacy. Read the reviews...


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More Books by John R. O’Neil


Leadership Aikido (Crown/Harmony, 1997) shows us how the concepts of Aikido, the Japanese martial art that stresses victory without harm, can be applied as a lifelong business practice. O'Neil provides self-discovery tests and interactive exercises for defeating the five inner enemies: failure to grow emotionally, failure to make creative decisions, failure to  empathize, failure to manage ego, and failure to overcome alienation and boredom. He offers practical ways to embrace the win-win ethics of Aikido, which can bring beliefs, perceptions, and actions into harmony and lead us down a path of continuous learning, inner personal change, and enlightened leadership. 

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The Paradox of Success (G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1993) has been a best seller in the US, Europe, Asia, and Australia. In all fields, many leaders feel that the costs of their professional victories outweigh the rewards. O'Neil draws on fascinating psychological studies of both athletes and executives to offer strategies that show the way out of this dilemma, and help readers find steadiness, renew their lives, and reinvigorate their organizations in the process. Former Harvard Business Review editor, T. George Harris, considers The Paradox of Success “a life jacket.”

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Seasons of Grace (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003) co-authored with Alan Jones, then Dean of San Francisco's Grace Cathedral, won the Nautilus Prize for the Best in Spirituality category in 2004. It is packed with real-life, inspirational stories that illustrate how feelings of gratitude for even the smallest gifts, kindnesses, and joys can help us live each day to the fullest. According to world-renown primate researcher Jane Goodall, “Reading Seasons of Grace will help you to cope with the hard times, to find the silver linings. It is a splendid, joyous, and enriching recipe for life."

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